
Individual assistance of:

  • a family consultant;
  • a social worker;
  • a psychologist;
  • a lawyer.

Collective help:

  • Group of a mutual assistance;  

Intermediation services with other governmental and non-govermental organizations;

Specialised help services (SPC)  for the victims of domestic violence;

Other services:

In Cooperation with Kaunas County Men Crisis Centre services for perpetrators in changing violent behavior (DADV program) provided.

DADV (Dialog against domestic violence) is a national treatment programme for male perpetrators, for the female partners and for the children in the family wich was created and provided by Danish NGO ”Askovgaarden”

Objectives of Dialog Agains Domestic Violence (Per I. Hensen ”Dialog against domestic violence” 2007):

  • Combat domestic violence;
  • Give treatment to male perpetrators to prevent future violence to prevent future violence in or outside the family;
  • Give treatment support to the female partners – victims;
  • Give substancial support to children living in families with parental violence;
  • Offer training in methods related to the subject to all professional groups related to domestic violence;
  • Have international network of partners;
  • Influence the political scene related to the subject.

DADV treatment process is arround one year and have three phases:

  1. Contact and assesment – interview and assesment process where life situation and personal structure thoroghly described in a questionere of childhood-adolescent – adulthood, here and now, further more personality inventory MCMI-III. (Duration of this phase around 2 months)
  2. Group sessions – after the individual process the client will join a group of 6-8 men and attend weekly sessions. Group leaders: psychologist and social worker/ one male and one female. Objectives of group sessions are to learn how to recognise feelings and reactions, analyse unproper behavior and reasons of this behavior, to strenghten will in rejection of violent behavior. (Duration around 6 months)
  3. Integration process – individual phase, where the goal is to support the perpetrtor in integrating the new skilss he has learned in his everyday life. (Duration arround 3-6 months)